Do you want to be Baptized?
Here at Grace Community Church, we believe baptism is an important step in your faith journey and it would be an honor to celebrate this special moment with you! Sign up here to get more information about the upcoming baptisms by clicking the link below.
Jesus clearly commands the church to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit... [Matt. 28:19]. When a person trusts in Jesus Christ to forgive his/her sin, they receive the benefits of Christ’s death and resurrection: eternal life, freedom from the penalty and power of sin, release from slavery to Satan, God’s indwelling presence and power, and so much more! Baptism is a physical, public action that declares a person has received life in Jesus Christ through faith in His sacrifice for them. Baptism does not give us forgiveness, but declares that Jesus has!
In the New Testament, baptism was so closely tied to becoming a Christian, that everyone who pledged to follow Christ was automatically baptized [see Acts 8:34-40; 16:29-34]. Christ commands believers to be baptized, while understanding that baptism is not required for salvation.
Grace Community Church echoes Christ’s call for believers to obey and honor the Lord by being publicly baptized. If you believe in Jesus but have not been baptized, or have questions, please email sarab@gracec.net
“Baptism” is borrowed from a Greek word that meant dunking, covering, immersing or dipping, usually into some kind of liquid. The New Testament emphasizes Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Water Baptism.
Baptism in the Holy Spirit happens at the same time a person becomes a Christian - when a person admits his/her need for Christ and trusts in Him for forgiveness and eternal life. At that moment God the Holy Spirit spiritually immerses the believer so he/she can grow in enjoying the benefits of their new relationship with God through faith in Christ. Spirit Baptism is something God does!
Water Baptism happens when a believer obeys Christ’s command and gets baptized. Water baptism is something the church does with a believer!
Everyone who has believed that Jesus Christ alone has provided forgiveness for their sin against God through His death on the cross should be baptized. [Gal. 3:27]
While we understand some of the reasons why other churches baptize babies, Grace does not because we believe it confuses people about what baptism is meant to picture.
A person should be baptized because it is a:
Directive (command) from Jesus Christ to all who believe in Him. [Matt 28:18-20]
Declaration to the world that a person belongs to Jesus Christ, and is receiving the benefits of His eternal life, forgiveness, and Holy Spirit. [Gal. 3:26-29]
Demonstration that a person is one with Christ’s death and resurrection through faith. [Rom. 6:1-7]
We baptize people as an act of:
Worship: We worship Jesus when we obey Him as Lord.
Witness: The person being baptized has the privilege to share how Christ has changed their life.
Immersion: A person is baptized in a way that best pictures our complete identity with Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection.
While we understand some of the reasons why other churches practice other methods of baptism, we have chosen immersion in order to picture the tremendous work of Christ for us and in us.
You are ready to be baptized when you’re able to answer these questions:
Have I personally trusted in Jesus Christ and His death in my place to forgive my sin against God, and give me eternal life?
Do I desire to honor Christ with this act of worship, witness, and declaration that I belong to Jesus?
If you can say “YES” to these questions, you’re ready now!
I’m not sure I’m a Christian or was baptized before I knew I was a Christain?
I was baptized as an infant or in a way other than immersion.
I’m afraid of water or being in front of people.
If you have questions or are interested in being baptized at Grace Community Church, contact Sara Bieri at sarab@gracecc.net