Prayer & Care

How can we pray for you?
Your Prayer request is very important to us. If we receive you request during office hours, we will care for it that day. Otherwise, prayer requests will be cared for as soon as possible.
Thank you for the privilege of joining you in prayer to the One who hears our prayers before we speak them
If you think you have a medical or psychiatric emergency call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. Do not attempt to access emergency care through this website.
If you are experiencing financial hardship, the Care Team at Grace Community Church would like to consider coming alongside to assist you.
Contact the Care Team directly at 503-492-9966 extension 205 and leave a voice mail.
Applications for assistance can also be filled out in our church office during office hours.
The Care Team will respond to your request within 48 hours.
In times of illness or grief, it can be difficult to manage day-to-day responsibilities. We want to help in a small way to ease this burden by assisting with meals.
In order for us to interact with you and to help you build a plan that meets your needs, please contact the Care Team directly. Call 503-492-9966 extension 205 and leave a voicemail. We respond within 48 hours.
At Grace Community Church, we value prayer as a big part of our community service. There are multiple opportunities to be part of the family and serve in prayer:
Sunday Morning Prayer: Every Sunday in room 109 | 7:30am-9am
Online Prayer Email: Receive daily prayer requests from our congregation. To join, please email Gerry Smith at
We have different areas in which you could be part of helping our community with your skills.
Meal Train: The Meal Ministry team is an email list for meal needs in our church for members who need a little help recovering or getting through a tough couple of weeks. Meal needs go out via email to our Meals team with a Mealtrain Link. Meal Team members can then use the link to sign up for the date that works best for them to bring a meal for the recipient. All instructions and information is given in the Meal Train. Meal Team members are not expected to provide a meal for EVERY meal need; but if we all do a few meals a year, then we can meet the needs of our Grace family easily.
Helping Hands: We need men or women who know how to fix things. From time to time, our folks need a little help with house projects. They may be on a limited income or a single mom or dad who just can’t afford one other thing. If we can help we want to. IF you have skills in this area and could help out- let us know. It is always different and sometimes a challenge but your help is always appreciated.
Transportation: Often times we have folks who need a ride to a doctor’s appointment. Perhaps their family members aren’t available or their ride fell through. If you are a good driver and don’t mind visiting and encouraging on the way- we need you.
If any of these are an area you are skilled in and would like to help, please fill out the form below. Thank you for considering being a part of this vital ministry.