We believe students can change the world! As students live in a world full of pressures, opinions, distractions, and temptations, it can become deafeningly loud and overwhelming. Grace Student Ministry is a place where students can experience authentic community and deepen their faith as we pursue making the Gospel louder in our own lives and in the world around us.
Middle School
At Grace we want to see middle school students step into their part of God’s story.
Middle School
Students in 6th-8th Grades
MS | Sundays | 10:45am | Student Ministry Room, 224
You’re invited to join us Sundays for worship, teaching, games, and more! We focus on Christ and His priorities for your life as you connect with friends and leaders.
MS Midweek | Tuesdays | 6:30-8pm | Student Ministry Room, 224
Join us midweek for fun games, teaching, and small groups.
Upcoming Events

High School
We want to see high School students discover who they are in Jesus and that their lives have a purpose in God’s Kingdom.
Students in 9th-12th Grades
HS | Sundays | 10:45am | Student Ministry Room, 224
You’re invited to join us Sundays for worship, teaching, games, and more! We focus on Christ and His priorities for your life as you connect with friends and leaders.
HS Midweek | Wednesdays| 6:30-8:30pm | Student Ministry Room, 224
HS life group is a space for students to dive deep into the Scriptures and important real-world topics evert week. Each gathering includes time for fun games, teaching, and small groups.
High School
Upcoming Events

May the Gospel get Louder
follow us on Instagram @gracecc_studentministries
Join the Team
Our amazing ministry team is here to walk alongside students as we invite them into Gospel-shaped community and relationship with God. We aim to disciple students to know and love God fully, see themselves the way God sees them, and passionately live for Him in their own communities.
For more information or questions, contact:
Stephen Anderson
Pastor of Student Ministries and Young Adults