There is no greater adventure for our kids than knowing Jesus and beginning the amazing journey of following him. We partner with parents to create a fun and safe environment for kids to learn how to abide in Jesus, be transformed by Jesus, and imitate Jesus. Our nursery, preschool, and grade school leaders are fantastic and committed to serving and discipling your children. Each week, the gospel is brought to life through teaching, crafts, music, and fun activities.
Sunday Morning
Infant - 5th Grade
Kids Ministry | 8:45am & 10:45am
You are welcome to check your children into their classes up to 15 minutes before the service begins.
Our check-in station is downstairs to the right of our main entrance, near the nursery. Your child will receive a name tag with a code that matches a tag given to you. For the safety of your child, you will need to show your matching tag at pick up. We take your child’s safety very seriously. Our Children’s Ministry leaders are here to help you get settled and welcome your kids as they go to class.

teaching, crafts, music, & fun activities
Jesus wants me to abide in Him
We help kids at Grace understand why and how we pray, navigate and understand the bible, and how to allow space for God. We also help them understand how to think about what we read or hear through bible teaching and how God is speaking to us through it.
Jesus wants to Transform my heart
We teach our kids how to be generous with their time, talents, money, and things. We also practice putting the needs of others before our own, awareness of other’s feelings, use kind and encouraging words, and helping others when they need help.
Jesus wants me to imitate Him and share His love with others
We teach kids to tell their friends about Jesus through sharing their story, inviting their friends to church to hear about Jesus, and how to serve others. We teach them how to serve others through serving their family, friends, and their church.
Join the Team
Join the Grace Kids team in teaching, crafts, music, and fun activities.
Upcoming Events
For more information or questions, contact: