Practice of Sabbath Rest | November 19-25, 2023
Conversation Starter
Why do you think God paused at the end of creation to rest?
Previous Week Review
Review the passages and practices from last week’s lesson. Don’t skip this step even if people are reluctant to respond as it’s vital to see how each week’s topic is being practiced during the week.
Leader reading and Discussion
Read the following passages on the Sabbath and then ask the provided questions:
Genesis 2:1-3 Day of rest after creation
Exodus 20:8-11 Sabbath day introduced to Israel.
Isaiah 58:13-14 If you honor the Sabbath Day
Mark 2:23-28 Jesus and Sabbath in his day and ours
1. What do you learn about Sabbath from these passages? What is one word or phrase that stands out to you?
2. Discuss Jesus’ remarks in Mark. How might they apply today?
3. Are you currently practicing Sabbath? If so, what does that time look like? If not, what are your obstacles?
4. Read the following quote from Ruth Haley Barton
“Sabbath keeping is more than just taking a day of rest; it is a way of ordering one’s life around a pattern of working six days and then resting on the seventh. It is a way of arranging our life to honor the rhythm of things-work and rest, fruitfulness, and dormancy, giving and receiving, being and doing, activism and surrender. The day itself is set apart, devoted completely to rest, worship and delighting in God, but the rest of the week must be lived in such a way as to make Sabbath possible. Paid work needs to be contained to five days of the week. Household chores, shopping and errand running need to be complete before the Sabbath comes, or they must wait.”
5. Considering this quote and the teaching from the Sabbath series we experienced together last year; how can you apply these Sabbath principles?
Handout: leader passes out the practices for this week and reviews them with the group.
Ideas for Practice this week:
1. In your family, discuss what a Sabbath day is and what might be included or excluded from the day. Implement what you decide.
2. Start your Sabbath day with thoughts of your creator God and take time for silence and prayer as you start and end the day.
3. Prepare food and ritual items the day before the Sabbath unless cooking for you is a relaxing and encouraging activity.
4. Take time to stop work and do things you enjoy by yourself and with others. Take extended time with God following the four P’s of prayer: Pause, Praise, Plead, and Personal.
Preparation for next week
Come to the community next week ready to share something from your practice this week.
“Sabbath keeping is more than just taking a day of rest; it is a way of ordering one’s life around a pattern of working six days and then resting on the seventh. It is a way of arranging our life to honor the rhythm of things-work and rest, fruitfulness, and dormancy, giving and receiving, being and doing, activism and surrender. The day itself is set apart, devoted completely to rest, worship and delighting in God, but the rest of the week must be lived in such a way as to make Sabbath possible. Paid work needs to be contained to five days of the week. Household chores, shopping and errand running need to be complete before the Sabbath comes, or they must wait.” Ruth Haley Barton, The Book Sacred Rhythms