Prayer Practice | Week 4: Talking with God (B)

Prayer Practice

Talking with God: Week 4
Communities @ Grace

45 minutes:  Welcome, Eat + Mingle

●     Use this time to continue really getting to know each other. What better way to build community and build relationships than over a meal?

10 Minutes: Pray together

●     Use this time to focus on prayers of gratitude.

20 Minutes: Share Experiences from the Past Week-
     Use pages 20-21 from Talking with God Guide

●     What have you been trying for your daily prayer rhythm? What time of day? How do you begin and end? What would you like to try?

●     How have you practiced using your body in prayer? What is helpful? What feels difficult?

●     How have you been practicing incorporating gratitude into your daily prayers?

●     Did you try one of the ideas for intercessory prayer? Prayer cards or “Pray the room?” What was that like?

●     Where are you experiencing resistance?

●     Where did you feel delight?

●     Where did you most experience God’s nearness?

30 Minutes: Reach Exercise-Lament

●     Use the first 10 minutes to read prayers of lament from Psalms, suggestions in guide page 24

●     Walk through the steps of lament on page 24. Give each person a piece of paper to write a response to each step.  Take 2-3 quiet minutes for each step.

15 Minutes: Give an opportunity for people to share if they would like.

○     What was this experience like?

○     Where was there delight? Resistance?

5 Minutes: Close in Prayer


Prayer Practice | Week 5: Listening to God (A)


Prayer Practice | Week 3: Talking with God (A)