Expectations and Commitments | Sept 29-Oct 5


Conversation Starter

Why did you join a community? What do you need from our community? What would you like to contribute to our community?


This week we will be discussing what you can expect and what is expected from you as a member of this community group. Clear expectations help us to function in a healthy manner and love each other well. This time is intended to be a conversation so please ask questions and contribute as you can.

Leader, please take time for discussion and questions after each point.

What are we committing to?

1.     Active participation in your own spiritual formation.

*Working to regularly integrate the teachings and practices of Jesus into your life: Bible reading, prayer, rest, silence & solitude, church attendance, living in community, emotional health and generosity. We are seeking to not only learn about Jesus but to be with Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to form us. Expect to practice what we are learning and share about your practice with the community.

2.     Active participation in Grace Community Church

* Regular attendance
*Living under the authority of scripture

3.     Active participation in your community

* Regular community attendance unless you’re out of town, sick, or there is an unforeseen, unavoidable circumstance.
*Engagement in the rhythms of community life: discipleship, family and service
*Being present with each other. (no phones, engaging honestly in discussion, listening to others, etc.)
*Sharing responsibilities (food, clean-up, personal needs that arise, praying together, etc.)
* Phone call to the community leader at least 24 hours in advance for an absence. Yes, a phone call, not text.

4.     Our Community Plan- “Everyone has a seat on the boat, and everyone has an oar”
Roles- share the following roles and invite members choose how they can serve.

Host- Do you want to meet at the same place every week or rotate?
Prayer Communication-Who will keep track of prayer needs and share them?
Food Coordinator-Who will organize the meal each week and communicate the plan?
Minister of Fun- Who will plan the social nights? Holiday parties, outings…
Mission/service coordinator-Who will organize the community to serve together?

Other Roles
These could include anything like making sure everyone’s birthday is celebrated, helping plan a community trip or activities outside of your meeting night, leading worship, or anything else members may want to contribute. 

Group discussion:

Spend the rest of the time discussing any specifics for your community. Are there specific needs people in your community have? (hearing or vision challenges, transportation needs, food sensitivities, etc.)

Pray together
Encourage your community to share prayer requests that are for themselves and not so much for other people. It is easy for community prayer time to become solely focused on needs outside of the group. (neighbors, co-workers and such) We want to foster intimacy and knowing each other by praying for our own spiritual lives and that will spill out on the people around us.  

Keep track of prayer requests to follow up next week.


Practice this week

Prayerfully consider how you can contribute to your community. If you haven’t already, come next week ready to take on some type of serving role.

Host- Do you want to meet at the same place every week or rotate?
Prayer Communication-Who will keep track of prayer needs and share them?
Food Coordinator-Who will organize the meal each week and communicate the plan?
Minister of Fun- Who will plan the social nights? Holiday parties, outings…
Mission/service coordinator-Who will organize the community to serve together?

Other Roles
These could include anything like making sure everyone’s birthday is celebrated, helping plan a community trip or activities outside of your meeting night, leading worship, or anything else members may want to contribute. 

Pray for your community

Use this space to write down the names of people in your community and prayer requests they shared. Take a little time each day to pray for your community members.


Spiritual Desire and Praying Together | Oct 6-12 2024


Group Introductions | Sept 22-28, 2024