Unity (October 23-29)
Unity Practice: October 23-29
Communities @ Grace
Goal for Week: To lay a foundation of unity in our Communities.
45 minutes: Welcome, Pray, Eat + Mingle
· What was the best part of your week?
· What was a low point?
5 Minutes: Transition time. Take a few minutes to settle into a comfortable place. Take a moment for silence, take a deep breath, relax your body and invite the Holy Spirit to speak. Someone open in prayer.
45 Minutes : Introduction of Practice + Discussion Questions
This week we are exploring what Biblical unity is, why it is important and how we can practice it in our group, our lives, and our church.
Ask everyone to imagine themselves at an orchestra.
“When you go to hear an orchestra, many times, the first notes you hear are chaotic as each individual player warms up their instrument. The violin player plays her own tune. The oboe player plays his own tune and the result is cacophony (or screeching and harsh noise). But when the conductor walks onto the stage, all of the players submit to his direction, and beautiful music is the result.” (taken from Tony Evans “The Power of Unity”)
-What stands out to you about how this orchestra example relates to unity in the Body of Christ?
-This is an example of how powerful and beautiful it is when each person submitting themselves to a higher authority, each having their own role and working together can result in such harmonious unity.
-The most perfect example of harmonious unity is within the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All three persons are equally God, and each one has a distinct role existing in perfect fellowship and community.
Watch The Bible Project: Ephesians (approx. 9 minutes)
Read Ephesians 2:11-22
How is unity described in this passage, what is the result of unity?
(made the 2 groups 1, one new humanity, one Spirit, fellow citizens)
Read John 17: 20-26 (Jesus Prays for all Believers)
Why is Jesus praying for all believers to live in unity? (to come together to show the love of Christ to unbelievers, give a taste of heaven, so people will believe the Father sent Jesus)
Group discussion
How would you describe disunity?
How does scripture describe disunity? (selfish ambition, vain conceit, jealousy, quarreling, elitism, attitudes of superiority)
15 minutes Group Practice
Divide into groups of 3-4 people
What relationships in your life are experiencing disunity? What can you do to foster more unity?
Unity does not mean we don’t experience disagreement. How can you protect unity and disagree?
Pray together for unity in our church, our communities and families.
See next page for Practices next week, consider giving a copy to each member.
10 Minutes : Pray for One Another + Close
● Consider praying as a whole group or in triads for personal prayer requests.
● End on time in order to honor everyone’s time.
5 Minutes : Practices for Week Ahead
● Spend time praying and asking God how you can encourage unity in the church, your community and home. If something specific comes to mind, do it!
● How can you love someone who you disagree with?