Bonus: The Practice of Submission (use anytime)

Bonus Lesson: Submission 

March 10, 2024 

Conversation Starter 

Why do you think the word “submission” has a negative response from most of us? Can it be a good thing, and if so how does that happen? OR “When you hear the word “submission” what thoughts come to mind? 

Previous Week Review 

Review the passages and practices from last week’s lesson. Don’t skip this step even if people are reluctant to respond as it’s vital to see how each week’s topic is being practiced during the week and what obstacles people are facing. 

Leader reading and Discussion 

  • How is submission viewed in our society. How is it viewed in Christian society? 

Where do we learn the concept of submission based on the following passages: 

  • Philippians 2:3-10 (Jesus gave up his role as son to the Father and Holy Spirit to solve our sin problem.) 

  • Luke 22:39-42 (In the Garden he wanted to avoid death but submitted to his Father’s will.) 

Submission is visible between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit while one God.  

The opposite of submission is oppression where a person has no freedom to respond to a person or situation. It is ultimately abusive because it demands people do what someone wants without allowing people to have freedom of their own opinion. We want to avoid this situation, and instead submit because we choose to do so using our own freedom. 

At the heart of it, submission is putting others before ourselves.  

Have different people read the following passages and ask this question: What ways should submission be a part of our life: 

  • Ephesians 5:22 Wives submit to husband 

  • Ephesians 5:25 Husband love wife as Christ loved the church 

  • Ephesian 6:1 Children obey parents 

  • Ephesian 6:5 Slave obey masters 

  • Hebrews 13:17 People submit to elders of the church 

  • 1 Peter 2:13-17 Obey our political leaders and submit to their leadership  

Ultimately, we need to submit ourselves voluntarily to our Lord through the guidance of the Holy Spirit that lives within us. Spend group time discussing how we can submit to God and others in our daily lives. 

Handout: leader passes out the practices for this week and reviews them with the group. 

Take 10 minutes to review the handout.  
Pray for each other  


Handout: Submission  

March 10, 2024  


Practice this week 

  1. Take 10 minutes and reflect on where you could have submitted to someone recently, and then confess your failure to follow Christ’s request in your life. You may want to go farther and confess your failure to the person and/or God to seek forgiveness. 

  1. Write down a list of relationships or situations in your life where it is hard to submit. Ask for forgiveness from God and seek his help the next time you encounter the situation. Share this with the group when it occurs, whether good or bad. 

  1. Ask the Lord for strength to put others before your needs and wants, and look for opportunities to apply this learning.   

  1. Read Ephesians 5:15-21 each day this week and look for opportunities to implement the ideas in the passage. 

  1. Reflect on times and places where you should have submitted to others and didn’t, to see if there is a pattern that you need to be aware of and seek the Lord’s help when you encounter them in the future. 

Preparation for next week 

Come to the community next week ready to share something from your practice this week. 


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