Living in Community | October 8-14, 2023

Lesson: Spiritual Growth: Living in Community

October 8-14-, 2023


Conversation Starter

  • How are the terms “family” and “community” alike and different?

  • What are the qualities of a healthy family compared to an unhealthy one? How do these qualities apply to community groups?

Previous Week Review

Review the practices from last week’s lesson. Don’t skip this step even if people are reluctant to respond as its vital to see how each week’s topic is being practiced during the week.

Group Readings and Discussion

Read the following scriptures together. Pause after each passage to discuss for 2-3 minutes. what does each passage teach us as followers of Jesus. Do your best to allow different people to share the readings and discussion.

1 Corinthian 12:12-27 (Church as a body)

Acts 2: 42-47 (Life together as a body of believers)

Ephesians 4:1-7 (Unity in the Body of Christ)

Hebrews 10: 23-25

Group discussion:

Discuss the following questions.

·      What are components of Biblical community?

·      How do today’s scripture readings change your understanding of community?

·      How have you seen community modeled in a healthy way? How have you seen it modeled in unhealthy ways?

·      What fruit could come from the practice of living in community?

Leader reading | Read the following three passages one at a time to the group and discuss how they apply to spiritual practices:

Interdependence is the state of being dependent upon someone else. An interdependent relationship is one in which two or more people rely on each other to help fulfill needs, whether they be physical, emotional, or spiritual. From Got Questions” on the internet.

Because Jesus knows that the problems of life press in upon us when we are alone until the spirit is almost broken; the mind refuses to accept reality and so escapes in a world of its own. Burdens shared become lighter. “Bear one another’s burdens,” said Paul. Before I learned the secret of prayer together, I thought my burdens were greater than anyone else’s burdens. Now I know they aren’t and now I know a way to help instead of always wanting to be helped? From Prayer-Conversing with God by Rosalind Rinker

The interdependence found in community provides a place we can share our struggles and triumphs as we learn how spiritual practices draw us closer to God. May we be open and faithful to share our journey with those in our group.

Handout: leader passes out the handout for the week for people to practice and reviews it with them

Group prayer: spend time praying as a group about how to pursue the practices for this week as well as last weeks.

Handout: Living In Community

October 8-14, 2023

Practice this week

The practice for this week is about how we grow individually in a community context and celebrate what God is doing in the lives of others. We are challenged to love God by loving each other and living connected lives as the Body of Christ.

Passages to read this week.

1 Corinthian 12:12-27 Church as a body

Acts 2: 42-47 Life together as a body of believers

Ephesians 4:1-7 Unity in the Body of Christ

Hebrews 10: 23-25

Words to ponder

Interdependence is the state of being dependent upon someone else. An interdependent relationship is one in which two or more people rely on each other to help fulfill needs, whether they be physical, emotional, or spiritual. From Got Questions” on the internet.

Because Jesus knows that the problems of life press in upon us when we are alone until the spirit is almost broken; the mind refuses to accept reality and so escapes in a world of its own. Burdens shared become lighter. “Bear one another’s burdens,” said Paul. Before I learned the secret of prayer together, I thought my burdens were greater than anyone else’s burdens. Now I know they aren’t and now I know a way to help instead of always wanting to be helped? From Prayer-Conversing with God by Rosalind Rinker

Application: Choose at least one of the following activities to do before your next community gathering.

·      Read the scripture and thoughts then journal/pray about how you can apply them as you pursue living in community.

·      Choose one of the passages to read and meditate on each day.

·      Reflect on how sharing your experience with spiritual practices contributes to the lives of those in your group.

·      Make a list of a few followers of Jesus you would like to develop deeper relationship with. Reach out to one of them and plan a time to get together. (chat on the phone, have coffee or lunch..)

·      Pray or journal about the areas of your life where you would like to see growth. To get started, read Galatians 5:22-23 which is the Fruit of the Spirit passage.

Preparation for next week

Come to the community next week ready to share something from your practice this week.


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