Living Life with Jesus | October 1-7, 2023

Lesson: Spiritual Growth, Living Life with Jesus

October 1-7, 2023

Conversation Starter

If I use the term “spiritual practices”, what do you think of and how do you feel about it?
What do you currently do to center your life around Jesus?

Previous Week Review

(Not relevant the first week) Review the passages and practices from last week’s lesson. Don’t skip this step even if people are reluctant to respond as it’s vital to see how each week’s topic is being practiced during the week.

Group Readings and Discussion

Read the following scriptures together. Pause after each passage to discuss for 2-3 minutes to discover what it teaches us as followers of Jesus. Do your best to allow different people to share the readings and discussion.

Luke 9:23

John 15:1-11 The Vine and the Branches

Ephesians 4:17-24 Living the New Life

Colossians 1:9-14 Prayer for Spiritual Growth

1 Timothy 4:4-16

Group discussion:

Ask these questions about the passages just read.

·      How is life as a follower of Jesus described in today’s readings?

·      How is the local body of believers integral to that life?

Leader reading: read the following passages to the group:

“Spiritual Practices” (disciplines) are the means of God’s grace for bringing about genuine personality formation characterized through and through by love and joy and peace and patience and kindness and gentleness and self-control.

Spiritual practices are a means of God’s grace for the formation and transformation of heart and mind and spirit and body. Richard Foster

This year we will be exploring spiritual practices together. Some may be new and may be ways you have connected with God for years. Some practices may fit you well and some may feel uncomfortable. This is ok! We are all different and have different needs. Remember, the end goal is not to master a practice; the end goal is to grow so deep in our relationship with Jesus that our lives truly reflect Him in our thoughts, behavior, ambitions, and motives. This is a life-long journey. Let us celebrate what God is doing in our lives and God is doing in the lives of others in our community.

Handout: leader passes out the Communities@Grace calendar and allows people to look over the practices for the year.

Group discussion: leader asks the following questions as seems appropriate.

·      What is your initial response to the spiritual practices we will be exploring together?

·      What are your thoughts and feelings as you read about following Jesus?

·      As a person who has put their faith in Jesus, what does it look like to live knowing you have been forgiven and redeemed by Jesus? How is this different than following rules in pursuit of approval?

Leader handout the document “Practice This Week.”
Review this document together and emphasize that the group will be discussing the coming week’s experience next week. 

Pray together.

Practice this Week Handout: Spiritual Growth, Living Life with Jesus

October 1-7, 2023

Practice this week

The practices are a means to know God better and orient our lives toward him. Ultimately, they teach us how to abide in Him and remain in His love. As we do this, He trains us in His ways and grows us to be more like Hime, bearing fruit in us that points to His goodness. It all starts and ends with Jesus.

Passages to read this week

Luke 9:23

John 15:1-11 The vine and the branches

Ephesians 4:17-24 Living the New Life

Colossians 1:9-14 Prayer for spiritual growth

1 Timothy 4:4-16

Using the passages

1.     Read the scriptures we discussed in group today and pray and/or journal about what God is saying to you personally.

2.     Choose one of the passages to read and meditate on each day.

3.     Pray or journal about the areas of your life where you would like to see growth. To get started, read Galatians 5:22-23 which is the Fruit of the Spirit passage.

Preparation for next week

Come to the community next week ready to share something from your practice this week.


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